Safely Flying Non-Precision Instrument Approaches
Historically the distinction between flying ILS/MLS and non-precision approaches was very clear. However, many new kinds of instrument approaches are now available and this makes the distinction less obvious. What remains true today for any approach is that disregarding basic flying techniques and procedures reduces safety margins.This article clarifies which technologies are available to perform […]
Introduction to the Soft Go-Around Function
The “all engines” go-around is a very dynamic procedure with high accelerations created by the application of TOGA thrust. Yet in-service experience has shown that as long as both engines are operating, a lower thrust can still be sufficient to perform a safe go-around.As a safety enhancement, Airbus has introduced the Soft Go-Around (SGA) function, […]
Preparing Flight Crews to Face Unexpected Events
During an approach at night-time into Glasgow Airport, the crew of an easyJet A319 experienced a strong cross-wind and turbulent conditions, which created a WINDSHEAR alert and led them to perform a go-around.As they did this, PFD information including Flight Modes Annunciator, Flight Director bars, and characteristic speeds all disappeared from both PFDs. In addition, […]
Optimum use of weather radar
In recent years, there have been a number of flights where passengers or crew suffered injuries due to severe turbulence. In some other instances, the aircraft structure was substantially damaged following a hailstorm encounter. Clearly adverse weather can pose a threat to the safe and comfortable completion of a flight, thus it needs to be […]
180° turns on runway
Performing a 180° turn or U-turn on a runway may seem an ordinary maneuver compared to other phases of the flight. However, operational experience over the past 10 years shows that unintentionally leaving the runway while completing a U-turn can happen, even to experienced pilots, in any conditions, even on dry runway, on any aircraft […]
Pitot Probe Performance Covered On the Ground
Pitot probes inlet obstruction will affect accuracy of the air data parameters calculated from its measurements such as the aircraft airspeed and Mach number. Pitot probes inlet obstruction on the ground can be caused by unexpected sources such as sand, dirt, dust or insect nesting activity. This is why it is important to think about […]
Control your speed… in cruise
Article Third article in the “Control your speed” series started in issue #18 of this magazine, our aircraft is now flying in clean configuration, travelling in cruise. The main objective is to manage threats to the airspeed and avoid speed excursions.
Lithium batteries: safe to fly?
Today, Lithium batteries play a barely visible, yet essential role in both our daily life and aviation alike. Manufactured and handled correctly, Lithium batteries are safe. But production failures, mishandling, or not being aware of their specific characteristics can have serious repercussions.
A320 Family Aircraft configuration
With the introduction of a data loading function on A320 Family aircraft Flight Control and Auto Flight computers, managing the aircraft configuration entered a new dimension. Flying a certified aircraft now requires understanding not only hardware Part Numbers, but also less immediately visible operational software ones.
Functional Check Flights 1/4 – Special flights requiring special treatment
What does it take to be prepared?