Airbus Flight Safety
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Articles contributing to the enhancement of safe aircraft operations by increasing knowledge and sharing information about safety related topics.
Worldwide Instructor News – Sharing best practices information, flight tests videos and instructional videos to support Flight Operations & Training Standards.
A Statistical Analysis of Commercial Aviation Accidents 1958-2021. The Airbus annual analysis of aviation accidents and historical review of the safety record evolution for commercial aviation.
A collaborative project between Operators and Airbus to further enhance safety, share existing safety initiatives, collect ideas and develop new safety initiatives together.
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D10X Europe 2024
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Flexible vs Derated takeoff
This video presents the two ways to reduce the engine thrust at takeoff on Airbus aircraft.
Engine Relight After an All-engine Flameout
An all-engine flameout is one of the most stressful situations where flight crews need to urgently relight the aircraft engines. Incorrect application of the engine relight sequence can lead to
Doors and Exits Types
This video presents the exits and doors types fitted on the Airbus aircraft family and the associated certification requirements.
Evacuation Slides
This video provides an overview of the types of evacuation slides installed on Airbus family aircraft.
Preventing Tailstrike During Go-around Near the Ground
The focus of this article is go-around near the ground, sometimes called, “rejected landing”. This follows our previous article: “A Focus on the Landing Flare” article published September 2020 and
D10X Events
The Destination 10X project aims to strengthen collaboration between Airbus, its operators, and among Airbus operators at a regional level.
To achieve this, regular meetings and workshops are organised in
A318/A319 Cabin Ditching Updates
This video illustrates the updates performed on the Cabin Ditching procedures for the A318 and A319 aircraft, as announced by the FOT 999.0076/24 Rev 00, dated 24-SEP-2024.