Thrust Reverser Selection is a Decision to Stop
The SOP for landing requests that the flight crew perform a full stop landing after thrust reversers selection. However, in-service flight data analysis revealed that the equivalent of one go-around per month is performed after selection of thrust reversers. This article describes an event where the flight crew performed a go-around after they had selected […]
Using Approved Tools and Ground Support Equipment for Maintenance
Special tools or Ground Support Equipment (GSE) may be required to perform some maintenance tasks. Airbus provides a list of approved suppliers for GSE or tools in the Tools and Equipment Manual (TEM). GSE or tools from suppliers that are not listed in the TEM may be offered to Operators and maintenance organizations as alternatives. […]
Non-Engagement of the Go-Around Modes in CLEAN Flaps Configuration
There were several events reported to Airbus where the go-around guidance modes did not engage when flight crews initiated a go-around. The analysis of these events indicated that the aircraft were on approach in CLEAN flaps configuration. Some of these events led to a high-energy situation toward the ground at low altitudes.This article explains why […]
Editorial – January 2023
by Yannick MALINGE – SVP & Chief Product Safety Officer
Safe Oxygen Servicing
Oxygen is a vital gas, but when combined with a source of heat and flammable material, it can cause a significant fire hazard. This risk increases in an oxygen-enriched environment and can even lead to an explosion. Oxygen servicing requires specific safety precautions to avoid any hazardous situations. This article explains how a fire can […]
Proper Landing Gear Servicing for Safe Operations
Proper servicing of landing gear is obviously important to ensure proper landing gear operations during takeoff and landing. It is equally important to ensure proper retraction and extension to prevent potential interference with other aircraft systems in the case of abnormal landing gear conditions.If the landing gear servicing tasks are not properly performed, issues can […]
Use the Correct BARO Setting for Approach
Using an erroneous barometric reference setting during approach may cause the aircraft to fly lower than the published approach path, when the vertical guidance and trajectory deviations use the barometric reference. This can lead to a risk of controlled flight into terrain in poor visibility conditions or at night.This article explains the potential consequences of […]
Take Care of Your Brakes
All Brakes are subject to wear. Some brakes may also experience oxidation which can lead to brake rupture. In the case of a brake rupture or if brakes are too worn, the aircraft braking performance is reduced. This can result in a runway overrun if the full braking capacity is required such as during a […]
Editorial – July 2022
by Yannick MALINGE – SVP & Chief Product Safety Officer
Fuel Microbiological Contamination Treatment
An aircraft fuel tank provides the perfect conditions for microbiological contamination to develop, especially when operating in hot and humid environments. Problems caused by microbiological contamination of fuel can range from inaccurate or erroneous fuel quantity readings to structural corrosion and engine fuel supply difficulties caused by clogged fuel filters. As a result, if treatment […]