What Does the GRF Change for Takeoff?

This briefing presents what the Global Reporting Format changes for takeoff. Thanks to concrete examples, this video provides recommendations for the use of the Runway Condition Code for takeoff performance computation on contaminated runways.

Go-Around: Some Threats and Mitigations

This briefing highlights some threats and mitigations to manage the Go-Around in some specific operational cases. The threats presented in this video are the most observed in operations in this phase of flight.

How to use Airbus MCDL?

This briefing provides everything you need to know about the use of the Airbus MCDL. Thanks to concrete examples, you will better understand the MCDL and its use in operations.

Minimum Number of Required Cabin Crew

The objective of this video is to share with you: – The certification requirements of minimum cabin crew, – The operational rules and regulations that must be complied with, and – Examples of different aircraft with the minimum cabin crew explained.

Parking Brake Setting – Check the Pressure

This WIN video aims at helping operators to avoid the misuse of the parking brake system. The presentation will focus on how to implement some best practices during the Parking SOPs, when using the parking brake.

WIN Series 2023: Conclusion

Thank you for accepting the challenge of accompanying us through all the flight phases and recommendations that aim to contribute to a positive environmental impact. We will continue to work with you, and to look for new ways to reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions, while keeping safety at the heart of everything we do!

Flight Test – Water Trough Tests

This video describes the flight tests performed with the use of a water trough to ensure that the water spray, created when taking off or landing on a contaminated runway with a significant amount of water, does not affect the performance of the engines, the landing gear, systems and other parts of the aircraft.