A350-1000 First Flight

Airbus Corporate

Airbus Family Flight

How to Fly Non Precision Approaches

For most airlines, flying an NPA is not a daily operation. Consequently, some flight crews may be confused about the procedure to apply. This presentation provides some tips and guidelines on NPA.
Operator Difference Requirement Tables

An overview and introduction to Operator Difference Requirement (ODR) tables. This presentation shows how Airbus as manufacturer, develops ODR tables. Accordingly it shows how an Operator shall consider the ODR to build its training.
Loss of Braking Procedure on A380

This video shows in real time and in sequence, the loss of braking procedure on A380.
Normal Engine Operation on the Ground – Best Practices

The purpose of the presentation is to provide a set of key messages related to normal FCOM procedures. These key messages are inspired by customer’s recurrent questions, and cover the A320, A330, A340, A350 and A380.
High AOA Protection

Recent in-service experience highlights the need to communicate on the principle and the behaviour of the high AOA protection. To do so, Airbus introduces a new video available for the entire pilot community.
Aircraft Tracking

Following the initial recommendations published by ICAO, aircraft tracking is becoming a reality with the first NAA operational mandate in Europe. This presentation provides an overview of the operational requirements on aircraft tracking and Airbus solutions.
Optimize your Extra Fuel

As part of your fuel-saving initiatives, you try to avoid excessive extra fuel. What are the future improvements and tools that could help you to efficiently plan your trip?