IRS Alignment

This presentation emphasizes the need to align IRS in order to get a good position throughout the flight and to monitor the performance of the IRS at the end of each flight. It also explains the technical difference between a fast and a complete IRS alignment, and in which case a fast or complete IRS […]
Smart Adoption of Fuel Economy Initiatives

The presentation explains how to adopt fuel economy initiatives that minimize the impact on brake oxidation. The use at landing of CONF 3 with REV IDLE and autobrake MED / 4 / HI is not recommended: It may significantly increase the brake oxydation.
Dual Computation for Takeoff Performance

This presentation explains why, when and how both pilots have to compute independently the takeoff performance.
What About Overspeed Prevention and Recovery ?

This briefing provides recommendations to prevent overspeed situations and to recover from overspeed situations.
What About Flight Control Check

This briefing explains why, when and how the flight control check should be performed.
What About the Use of Speedbrake Lever ?

Disarming the ground spoilers with the speedbrake lever is a simple action. But if it is not correctly performed, it can have real operational consequences. As an instructor, it is important that you emphasize to your flight crews the importance of correctly pushing down the speedbrake lever.
What to include on the A321 ACF Difference Training for Cabin Crew

In order to have a smooth entry into service for the A321 ACF aircraft, Airbus has developed a difference course for cabin crew training. This presentation details the documentation that was used when defining the course content and training means, as well as providing the list of modules that are included on the Airbus course.
What About Auto Emergency Descent Function on A350

This presentation describes the Auto Emergency Descent Function available on A350 aircraft.
TCAS TA/RA During Emergency Descent

This presentation describes how to handle the TCAS during an Emergency Descent.
Go-Around Procedures and Training Recommendations

This presentation is divided into 4 parts: – Regulatory and Performance Aspects – Go-Around Procedure without Soft Go-Around function – Go-Around with Soft Go-Around function – Operational and Training Considerations