Implementing New Airbus SOPs & C/L

The objective of this video is to share with you the high level principles that Airbus used to design the new SOPs and Checklists, to stress the existence of training material that is available to provide you with extensive data and information to be able to deliver the training message and ultimately stress the importance […]

Lining Up with the Correct Glide Slope

The Instrument Landing System (ILS) is accurate and reliable, but the ILS antenna design today causes secondary glide slopes to appear above the primary glide slope. Flight crews must be aware of this phenomenon to prevent unwanted aircraft behavior during an ILS glide slope capture.This article explains the phenomenon of secondary glide slopes and their […]

What about Flight Crew Briefings?

Briefings, mainly the Departure Briefing and the Arrival Briefing are part of our everyday life as pilots. To make briefings an even more interesting and valuable part of our work, Airbus has developed a new briefing policy. This video will give you information on those changes and how you can adapt to this new briefing […]

How to Manage Slats or Flaps Jammed ? (Part2)

This video (Part 2) describes situations that pilots may experience in the case of slats or flaps jammed. It is very important for the flight crew to understand the real configuration of the aircraft and use appropriate speeds when these events occur. This understanding allows the flight crew to apply the correct procedures speeds.

Training Pilots for Resilience

Resilience training is not a new concept in aviation. It was introduced in mandatory Crew Resource Management (CRM) training for pilots a few years ago. Resilience is built on a pilot’s confidence and competencies. But what if they did not fly for many weeks or months?With many aircraft returning to service following the massive fleet […]

How to Manage Slats or Flaps Jammed? (Part 1)

This video describes situations that pilots may experience in the case of slats or flaps jammed. It is very important for the flight crew to understand the real configuration of the aircraft and use appropriate speeds when these events occur. This understanding allows the flight crew to apply the correct procedures speeds.

Safe Handling of TCAS Alerts

TCAS RAs are not correctly followed in more than 40% of cases according to a recent study published by Eurocontrol, making non-compliance with TCAS RAs one of the top 5 Air Traffic Management (ATM) operational and safety risks.This article explains how the TCAS Alert Prevention (TCAP) and AP/FD TCAS functions can improve the situation by […]

Portable Electronic Devices in the Cockpit

Portable Electronic Devices (PED) such as smartphones, tablets, laptops … are now commonly used by all of us. It is therefore natural to have more and more of them on board our aircraft and within our cockpits. In this context, this video deals with How to manage Portable Electronic Devices in the Airbus Cockpits. The […]

System Reset: Use With Caution

A system reset is not always the quick fix that it may seem. Performing an inappropriate manual system reset in flight can seriously impair the safety of the flight. Multiple system resets on the ground without performing the necessary troubleshooting actions can also have serious consequences.This article addresses when system resets are applicable and how […]