IRS Alignment

This presentation emphasizes the need to align IRS in order to get a good position throughout the flight and to monitor the performance of the IRS at the end of each flight. It also explains the technical difference between a fast and a complete IRS alignment, and in which case a fast or complete IRS […]

Managing Severe Turbulence

Severe turbulence encounters may cause injuries to passengers and cabin crew. If turbulence is unavoidable, using best practices, applying recommended techniques and following procedures will help to reduce the risk of injuries.This article is about turbulence encounters, their risks and tips for how to avoid them. It provides references and links to the relevant publications. […]

Smart Adoption of Fuel Economy Initiatives

The presentation explains how to adopt fuel economy initiatives that minimize the impact on brake oxidation. The use at landing of CONF 3 with REV IDLE and autobrake MED / 4 / HI is not recommended: It may significantly increase the brake oxydation.

Takeoff Surveillance and Monitoring Functions

Airbus has continuously improved takeoff safety since the “TO CONFIG TEST” pushbutton was first introduced on A300 and A310 aircraft, and with the development of the Takeoff Surveillance (TOS1 & TOS2) and Takeoff Monitoring (TOM) functions.The TOS2 package that was initially developed for the A350 is now available for A320 family and A330 aircraft. This […]

Takeoff Surveillance & Monitoring Functions

Airbus has continuously improved takeoff safety since the “TO CONFIG TEST” pushbutton was first introduced on A300 and A310 aircraft, and with the development of the Takeoff Surveillance (TOS1 & TOS2) and Takeoff Monitoring (TOM) functions.The TOS2 package that was initially developed for the A350 is now available for A320 family and A330 aircraft. This […]

GNSS Interference

Signals from the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) are one of the main inputs used for aircraft positioning or time reference for Communication, Navigation and Surveillance functions on-board most of the Airbus aircraft.Operators report an increasing number of events related to the loss of GNSS signals due to Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) during operations in […]

What About the Use of Speedbrake Lever ?

Disarming the ground spoilers with the speedbrake lever is a simple action. But if it is not correctly performed, it can have real operational consequences. As an instructor, it is important that you emphasize to your flight crews the importance of correctly pushing down the speedbrake lever.