Loss of Braking Procedure on A380

This video shows in real time and in sequence, the loss of braking procedure on A380.
High Load Event Reporting
All aircraft are designed, tested and certified to avoid the possibility of exceeding its structural strength. Operational thresholds or limits define the envelope for the load conditions in normal operations, and there are design margins to cope with abnormal or excessive loads on the aircraft if they are experienced in-flight or on the ground. The […]
Normal Engine Operation on the Ground – Best Practices

The purpose of the presentation is to provide a set of key messages related to normal FCOM procedures. These key messages are inspired by customer’s recurrent questions, and cover the A320, A330, A340, A350 and A380.
High AOA Protection

Recent in-service experience highlights the need to communicate on the principle and the behaviour of the high AOA protection. To do so, Airbus introduces a new video available for the entire pilot community.
Aircraft Tracking

Following the initial recommendations published by ICAO, aircraft tracking is becoming a reality with the first NAA operational mandate in Europe. This presentation provides an overview of the operational requirements on aircraft tracking and Airbus solutions.
Optimize your Extra Fuel

As part of your fuel-saving initiatives, you try to avoid excessive extra fuel. What are the future improvements and tools that could help you to efficiently plan your trip?
Operational Suitability Data – Flight Crew

Within the EASA regulation framework, the Operational Suitability Data (OSD) is part of the certification process. The aim of this presentation is to explain the scope of the OSD and the benefits for Operators and Manufacturers.
Protecting Aircraft and Passengers from Cargo Fires
Cargo compartment linings are designed to provide an air-tight space, and are essential in protecting the aircraft and its occupants from fire and smoke.This article looks at how these composite components have come to play such an important role in Safety, and what can be done to make sure they stay in good condition.
Are You Properly Seated?
The best position for a pilot to fly is not left to chance. It is the result of detailed analysis and design that provides the optimum seating position for both the Pilot Flying (PF) and the Pilot Monitoring (PM) to safely and comfortably operate their aircraft.
A Recall on the Correct Use of the MEL
The dispatch under a Minimum Equipment List (MEL) item enables the dispatch of an aircraft in a safe and airworthy condition when certain system functions or equipment are temporarily unavailable or inoperative. This enables the aircraft to continue earning revenue without compromising the safety of the flight.However, what are the MEL principles and are there […]