Operational Use of the TCAS

This presentation recalls the design of the TCAS and the AP/FD TCAS, and the procedures to apply if the aircraft is equipped with the standard TCAS or with the AP/FD TCAS function. The aim is to highlight the differences between both systems in terms of operational use, and also in terms of training recommendations. Finally, […]

What about Airbus-WIN?

What about Airbus-WIN, by Capt. Marc PARISIS, Vice-President Flight Operations and Chief Pilot.

Dealing with Hard Landing on A300 A310

This presentation explains in details Hard Landing Contributing Factors and related Flight Operational key messages on A300 and A310 aircraft. In addition, a Hard Landing event occurred on A300-600 aircraft is presented.

How to Fly Non Precision Approaches

For most airlines, flying an NPA is not a daily operation. Consequently, some flight crews may be confused about the procedure to apply. This presentation provides some tips and guidelines on NPA.

Operator Difference Requirement Tables

An overview and introduction to Operator Difference Requirement (ODR) tables. This presentation shows how Airbus as manufacturer, develops ODR tables. Accordingly it shows how an Operator shall consider the ODR to build its training.