Stall and UPRT

Update on coming regulations for Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD) requirements and introduction to Airbus Manufacturer Stall Demonstrator. Airbus ATO UPRT stall training program.

How to manage manual fuel balancing

Following some in-service events linked to an inappropriate application of manual fuel balancing procedure, the objective of this presentation is to provide a reminder about the principles that drive the management of a fuel rebalancing (why fuel imbalances develop, the consequences, how to detect them and when to apply the procedure).

Using Aircraft as a Sensor on Contaminated Runways

In any analysis of aviation accidents, Runway Excursions (RE) are usually identified as the top cause of aircraft hull losses. Many of these accidents occur on runways where braking performance is degraded by runway surface contaminants.Airbus and its subsidiary NAVBLUE have developed a new technology to use the aircraft itself as a sensor to measure […]

What About Pilot Seating Position

This briefing highlights the importance of a correct installation in the cockpit. It provides guidance on the way to adjust the seat position, the armrest and rudder pedals.

Use of AP and FDs Below Minima for Non Precision Approaches

The systems used to fly Non Precision Approaches have been enhanced a lot in the past years, providing more accuracy and flexibility for the pilots. The aim of this presentation is to provide details on a new procedure of AP and FD disconnection for these approaches, based on recent systems capability.

Thrust Reverser Deployment In-flight

Thrust reverser partial deployment in-flight events have been reported to Airbus which have had both a maintenance and an operational contribution.This article describes a typical event, and provides a reminder of the recommended actions for the flight crew when an alert related to the thrust reversers is triggered at the gate or during taxi-out. It […]

Flying Non Precision Approaches – Review of Standard Operating Procedures

Update of presentation dated 04 July 2018: The slide 22 of the presentation is updated following a recent change in the Flight Crew Operating Manual. Before: FINAL APP mode should be armed when cleared for approach After: FINAL APP mode should be armed when cleared for the approach and when the TO waypoint is the […]